Powerful Banking toolkits to empower the Businesses to PSP/Bank relationship

Connecting the businesses banking needs with the digital banking tools

We cover a grey space where freelancers / SMEs suffer from legacy banking applications designed without ❤️

Pay, debit, manage confirming and factoring, checks and other many other operations in a single platform

Bulk payments generation

Monthly volume
+ 0

We simplify and automatize the way businesses generate bulky payments in multiple payment schemes: SEPA Credit Transfers, SEPA Direct Debits (Core / B2B), Confirming, Factoring, Checks, un-normalized/privative…

Double check on what it is about to be processed

Bulk payments validation

Monthly transactions
+ 0

We collect the files/payments in a bulk format and validate the schemes to correctly process the information in a next phase. In the event there would be any kind of errors in the structure, XSD, XML or regulatory ones, we stop the file and enable a real-time edition.

different schemes, same validation is possible. we turn legacy formats into what is required

Bulk payments conversion

Monthly conversions
+ 0

Our conversion tools enable legacy formats, non-structured, privative schemes and any others being processes with a pre-processing work. The result, saving hundred of developing, testing and executing compliance projects into Banks, PSPS and businesses.